The Money Service Lab is delighted to announce the certification of its proprietary cloud-based platform with Mastercard’s Cloud Edge to become an issuing processor in Europe.

MSL has completed its certification with Mastercard, becoming one of the pioneering processors to get direct connectivity to the Mastercard Cloud in Europe. We can now provide issuers, program managers, and credit institutions throughout the EEA with card issuing and banking-as-a-service solutions.

With a long history of successful partnerships with Mastercard, MSL’s founders have launched many highly successful prepaid programs in Europe. This new certification further solidifies MSL’s commitment to providing innovative payment solutions and strengthening its partnership with Mastercard.

MSL’s next-generation Edge platform offers cutting-edge technology, incorporating AI-driven, real-time decision-making fraud and AML tools. The MSL plug-and-play RESTful API is user-friendly and efficient, ensuring a smooth experience for developers to integrate their platforms seamlessly.

Thanks to the new connectivity built with Mastercard, MSL can bring their card issuing, merchant acquiring, and universal remittance platforms to the market—adding significant value to issuers, program managers, and other payment ecosystem partners.

MSL offers a unique business model that allows partners to choose their level of involvement. Partners can opt for MSL to manage the whole issuing, program management, and acquiring platform, take more control of the platform, or certify and operate the platform in their name while leveraging MSL’s licensing solution. MSL can provide solutions for debit, credit, or prepaid requirements.

MSL CEO Conor Doyle commented, “MSL is delighted to partner with Mastercard in Europe and looks forward to expanding this partnership to other regions globally. Together, MSL and Mastercard aim to deliver innovative and secure payment solutions catering to the evolving needs of consumers and businesses. I’d like to extend a special thanks to the Mastercard Spain Team – Alejandro Banegas, Marina Pardo & Juan Carlos Alcaide, who have supported MSL in obtaining this certification”.